Recent content by Freckles1946

  1. F

    Bedroom super slide leak

    The floor under the slide out and the bed and yes we have caulked everywhere and it still leaks. Water is coming in somewhere and running down the slide cables it leaks underneath the pantry corner and runs down the wall we just want to fix it but we can’t find where the water is coming in at.
  2. F

    Bedroom super slide leak

    It leaks when it is in and when it is out we don’t know where it is leaking at but the floor was rotted on the bottom of the slide, trying to find out if anyone else with a 2012 has had this issue.
  3. F

    Bedroom super slide leak

    Bedroom super slide on 3585RL Big Horn leaks, has anyone else had this problem if so how did you fix it. Thanks