Recent content by Bwk2000

  1. Bwk2000

    MPG Gas Mileage

    I seem to averaging 13-14 mpg towing the 183 with a 2011 Ford Escape Ltd (V6) ... not too bad considering
  2. Bwk2000

    Unhitch or not?

    I agree ... It doesn't take long at all and frees-up the TV if needed ... There is also the safety factor if (God forbid) something happens and the trailer catches on fire (electrical, gas, etc) ... that's NOT the time you want to practise a speedy unhook
  3. Bwk2000

    Slide or Not to Slide

    You won't be disappointed with your decision ... The difference in usable space was the selling point for me with the MPG 183
  4. Bwk2000

    r-pod vs MPG?

    Think I can help with that Tom; The first pic shows my tow vehicle (TV) and the MPG 183 .... notice how all wheels are riding level including the MPG with no sag at all. The second pic is a close-up of the WD hitch and Sway Control that makes this possible. The WD hitch transfers some of the...