Recent content by Jarvisda281

  1. J

    Random switch

    I have a Wilderness 2475BH and I bought it used…I have no idea what the solo switch on the top right is for?? Anyone have the same set up?
  2. J

    Does this slide look right?

    You’re the man! Thanks for this!
  3. J

    Does this slide look right?

    New to travel trailers, buttoned up my slide and noticed the chains and cables look like this…does this look right?? TIA
  4. J

    Does this slide look right?

    I also need to tighten up the tension on the cables but seems I need to remove the trim inside and I’m not really wanting to do that during my vacation. As long as the slide buttons back up when we leave then I can figure all of this out once it’s back home lol
  5. J

    Does this slide look right?

    I need a better way to check the seals inside. It looks good but that’s just me looking at it. It does make a loud pop sound once it’s fully extended but I can’t pin point what that actually is from. Possibly the teeth at the bottom?
  6. J

    Does this slide look right?

    Welp..guess I don’t really know if it’s all sealed or not lol
  7. J

    Does this slide look right?

    Also that’s the window extended in front of it I know it looks funny
  8. J

    Does this slide look right?

    Does this slide look crooked? Or is it normal? I’ve heard it sits like this in order to have a full seal….TIA