Search results

  1. ParkIt

    Rotted Floor in Slide Out

    Have just had the same issue with the drip line trim on the larger slide out though it was mostly due to wind and not being level during some storms. I was able to patch the trim line with Eternabond tape then found some rubber mat material for free when a full size trampoline collapsed to patch...
  2. ParkIt

    Has anyone had their HL tip over in the wind!!!????

    I plan on replacing the carpet and padding to a similar one when I remodeled the house. It stopped the sock slip on steps and did try step non-skids but they didn't stick/stay down to the existing carpet in my rig, just left sticky residue that wasn't fun to remove. One corner had curled...
  3. ParkIt

    Rottening slideout floor 2018 cyclone

    Screen shot - done. Having issues with 2 corners on the largest slide, was trying to figure what would fit when it slid in. Kinda interesting I didn't know this before buying, when "tip out's" first came along they were named appropriately because you could watch them 'tip out' while cruising...
  4. ParkIt

    No turning back!

    Wow, that is an ambitious project! Looks like you will get it done in a few days. You can also check the floor for any water damage very easily but it looks good. Progress and after pictures are a must on this since it seems there is a lot of struggles with the bathroom for many owners...
  5. ParkIt

    Has anyone had their HL tip over in the wind!!!????

    Good info on filling the tanks, hadn't thought of that so thanks for those who posted that idea. When I find property I'd planned on putting tie down straps to a cement poured pad, lived in a mobile home for 2 years in NC where anything that could have been towed was strapped down. Might seem...
  6. ParkIt

    Has anyone had their HL tip over in the wind!!!????

    Thanks for the support! Hopefully this won't last long.
  7. ParkIt

    Has anyone had their HL tip over in the wind!!!????

    Truck is in the shop (of course!) until Monday or Wednesday, a friend might be able to get his truck out here and hook up. Winds are coming from two different directions which is rare and like a boat I'd turn into the strongest wind gusts. Already lowered it as far as I could...still shaking...
  8. ParkIt

    Tank vent covers

    Took me awhile to figure this issue out since I leave the standard fan vent open except during winter...and the vent stack is 6" away. Until I get into the list of "gotta fix or change that", I turn the vent fan on for a little bit. I might move to a modified composting toilet eliminating a lot...
  9. ParkIt

    Hydraulic Rack/Pinion Slide Maintenance

    In the manual, it does mention using a motor oil lubricant but that seemed a little odd to me. This looks like the ticket! Thanks for posting it, found it on search.
  10. ParkIt

    Has anyone had their HL tip over in the wind!!!????

    Today the weather took an ugly turn and I'm getting 40-60mph gusts. It ripped off the AC shroud so far and I'm really rocking back and forth. Definitely concerned about being blown over, anything I can do to not have that happen? This is scary.
  11. ParkIt

    Bathroom fan motor

    Same problem with mine, bath and bedroom are cheap and noisy and don't vent well, especially since I have to have the WC open when using the shower bc that's where the only bathroom vent is (????). The vent crank handle broke off above the mesh screen in the bedroom and I don't want to replace...
  12. ParkIt

    A bit of Mouse Proofing (physical barrier)

    Did you train them to go Pro mouse eliminators or they just picked up on it? For over 10 years there were 5 cats at once, only 3 were intent on mouse catching (kind of creepy looking at your cat who is not moving and staring at a drawer). The other 2 didn't catch on though they were rescued from...
  13. ParkIt

    Bighorn 3575el as summer home, not moving anytime soon

    Great update, thanks for posting! I am curious where you found the lots in WA, there are only a few places I can think of where you can buy the lot and roof it out with a deck and shed. PM if you have a moment? Yuma is getting to be the destination place for winter, 2 friends have lots they...
  14. ParkIt

    A bit of Mouse Proofing (physical barrier)

    Is that the Crazy Cat Man starter kit? :D You're lucky to have such great fur companions, I still am not ready to adopt or foster critters which is the first time since 1982 though I still have a 'cat rescue' starter kit ready - just in case.
  15. ParkIt

    Regret Purchase

    First thing my certified plumber son told me was "full replace" if there were any cracks or damage to the tanks. He got a good look at them after delivery when I dropped the chloroplast to see how/where everything was. Now I found a crack in the rear kitchen tank just yesterday so I'll need a...
  16. ParkIt

    Cheapheat installed!

    Good to know, that's exactly the direction I'm going though I wondered about the fireplace heater. I use a floor standing oil radiator in winter, works on 30 amp as well but sometimes the fireplace heater won't. The only thing I'm not replacing is the fridge since the weight difference is pretty...
  17. ParkIt

    License plate

    Even though mine is older the lights and frame plate were caulked on and since we don't require special permits, the dealer only needed to put stickers on the outside of the back window. There was no plate or temp there at all, it was on the rear window above it so I doubt the dealer even messed...
  18. ParkIt

    How to watch RF channels

    That makes sense now, at the time Heartland wasn't too clear about it. There were other things they replaced/paid for in full when it was less than a year old: the front cap being out of alignment, the ceiling fan stopped working, and the motor to the rear stabilizers froze up from wire crimp...
  19. ParkIt

    How to watch RF channels

    When I still couldn't get anything with the amplifier on, I checked coax which wasn't making it from the bedroom where the antenna is located above the UDC into the living area hook ups for TV/cable which was after delivery. Had to re-route the antenna line fishing it through the AC/Fan only...
  20. ParkIt

    A bit of Mouse Proofing (physical barrier)

    Sorry to hear it John though you have a way of making it funny. The last of 6 Pro Mouse Trappers passed away this spring - the best was a Chihuahua Rat Terrier though he would dig at the carpet to get to them. That's when I'd put him outside or in whatever storage bin he'd be intent on trying to...
  21. ParkIt

    A bit of Mouse Proofing (physical barrier)

    Don't remember where I picked this trick up though have used it for decades (probably my Grandma) and it works. Aside from sealing up any holes they can slip through which is anything the size of a dime or less...fabric softener sheets. I know you may have heard this before though my rig was on...
  22. ParkIt

    A bit of Mouse Proofing (physical barrier)

    The struggle is real. It would take a mouse time to get through that but you'd hear it before they could make their way through it...if you're staying inside. That sent me into giggle mode...especially since it's a Professional.
  23. ParkIt


    Had a similar issue with my living room slide, it's larger than the other 3 slides. Was able to troubleshoot it from the manuals downloaded here. The outside bracket(s) bolts had slid down causing it to look like my rollers were messed up, quick fix, now all slides are adjusted properly and move...
  24. ParkIt

    License plate

    Mine was delivered from TX to Seattle so they put a temp on it - and just caulked the plate holder on (what?). Soon as I got my plates in the mail, I screwed them on with a washer and nut on the backside.
  25. ParkIt

    Mud wasp nests in all plumbing vents, best way to clean them out?

    lol I can only think it did get through the gap. The drains had water in them (blub blub blub) Yeah, Gray #1 sits under black tank about half way over it so it will have to be dropped. I'm seriously considering Gray #1 & #2 going into one tank and centering them better with black water behind...
  26. ParkIt

    Cheapheat installed!

    I didn't spend too much time on the site but will in a couple of days. If there is a good alternative, I have and idea for a quieter fax and box. Thanks for the 'alternative' info! :)
  27. ParkIt

    Mud wasp nests in all plumbing vents, best way to clean them out?

    Yep. 1200 PSI electric is what I bought for the rig, also small enough to store in the front bin behind the hitch. I figured on keeping the valves open if I do this, don't want to get an air bubble stuck in the vent pipe, will just use the "low fan" tip since the wand will be in the pipe and not...
  28. ParkIt

    Gray waste flap handle won't close

    Since you are having to do this yourself, you can try what I do anytime it doesn't seem like the tanks are flushing out fully: 5 gallon bucket filled with warm water and Dawn soap (just a little goes a long way). Fill your tank approximately 1/3 to 1/2 with it (yes, a lot of running back and...
  29. ParkIt

    Cheapheat installed!

    Well, that answers that question! Doesn't sound like an upgrade that would work for me. I have extra space between the bedroom and stairs in the front compartment, all the monkey wiring is accessible from there as is the heater ducting which is on my "next of big things" list to clean up. I've...
  30. ParkIt

    Mud wasp nests in all plumbing vents, best way to clean them out?

    I have a pressure washer (max 1200 psi just for the rig) but was concerned about the pressure to the tanks. They were vacant...for the most part...grabbed my "It kills everything" stuff and misted them first with straight sprays down the pipe. Since I need to give the rig one last washing before...
  31. ParkIt

    Almost Over

    First off - we aren't really seniors per se though golfing in the mornings sounds like a good way to kick off the day :) The Covid thing has bungled up a lot of travel/camping/moving among other things though it's still good to see you checking in...if you could take a look at my just posted...
  32. ParkIt

    Mud wasp nests in all plumbing vents, best way to clean them out?

    Title kind of says it all - in August I did a full inspect of the roof and all components of which nothing required any major work. A few nights ago a barely moving wasp was crawling on the living room floor and it baffled me since I'd done window and screen maintenance too so it couldn't have...
  33. ParkIt

    Almost Over

    Concur with that one! No update on what you are doing now or just chilling out for awhile before deciding what's next? PS: thanks for all the help when I got my rig along with a few other members and admin. Doesn't mean I won't hit you up on a few tips in the future ;)
  34. ParkIt

    Cheapheat installed!

    From their site and YT video, around $1,300 to have someone install it for you. Pretty sure that can vary widely. If you are handy, I can't imagine you couldn't DYI. RV Comfort Systems is the only place I found that manufactures them but there could be other companies that sell them and not sure...
  35. ParkIt

    Rottening slideout floor 2018 cyclone

    Sorry to hear you are having to deal with this so soon, there are definite signs of Bubba 'the new guy' on mine as well. My 2011 had a front cap issue when it was less than a year old, found a great RV repair shop that pulled it off, resealed everything though the biggest thing was the cap...
  36. ParkIt

    Awning replacement

    Thanks for the tips! RV Geeks is one of my favorite YT uploaders. My Awning shrunk when it was retracted so I just need new material, Tough Top isn't too far away.
  37. ParkIt

    The Perverbial Rotted Floor due to Water

    Stumbled on this post and very helpful as I suspected and confirmed today the larger entry slide floor is reading moisture on each outside corner. Sure enough, there are 2"x2" 'sags' on the underbelly corners and I can feel how wet it is. Gives me an excuse to get rid of the MDF and use plywood...
  38. ParkIt

    Basement wall question

    There are a few members that have posted some great mods though the link to your list helps a lot of folks, I've had 7 years to lurk around this place and find some real gems :) As far as pictures go, I'm terrible about "before" ones and only remember to take "after". Maybe taping a big piece...
  39. ParkIt

    Switch location for Security Lights on 2012 Big Country?

    Not sure how much difference there is between a 2011 and 2012 but it's worth a shot. When you enter the coach, is there a weirdly small closet that has all your house switches inside it with the fuse box at the bottom? If so, the porch light is on a different switch and the "Docking Lights" are...
  40. ParkIt

    Basement wall question

    Impressive, Jim! Going to bookmark since my plumbing and wiring look like a couple of monkey's got drunk and just threw it all over the back of the UDC to the inside steps/kitchen wall. I have a seeming unusual layout as well, full bathroom with separate WC & Washer/dryer are right between the...