2018 bighorn 3270 kitchen slide bottom seal


We got our 2018 3270 bighorn in April, apone getting it home I found the the bottom seal on the kitchen side was torn in two places. took it back to dealer and parts were ordered there was other things that needed fix also. Month later dealer called and parts were in took rig to them and they replaced seal, took out one time did not look at it, when getting reedy to take out again out board seal fell off and the new seal was torn again. took bake yesterday and parts are on order again.

Is this going to be a ongoing thing and do I need extended warranty?

Love the rig just don't want problems

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Well-known member
This should not happen again. There must be a problem with the roller that lines up with the tear. Surprised the dealer did not do a little investigation. Mine left a mark on the material but it never tore...Don


Well-known member
We got our 2018 3270 bighorn in April, apone getting it home I found the the bottom seal on the kitchen side was torn in two places. took it back to dealer and parts were ordered there was other things that needed fix also. Month later dealer called and parts were in took rig to them and they replaced seal, took out one time did not look at it, when getting reedy to take out again out board seal fell off and the new seal was torn again. took bake yesterday and parts are on order again.

Is this going to be a ongoing thing and do I need extended warranty?

Love the rig just don't want problems


Part of ours too sticks out after I extend the kitchen slide. I just stuff it back under. DW shows some concern. I am not yet worried. I’m not giving up the coach for only God knows how long to get a one day fix. Am I happy with it, no am I sad no, I just live with it.


Well-known member
so the factory just does not put enough mounts /staples in - the friction sliding in/out pulls down- my dealer removed the wood trim covering, used staple gun to correctly fasten the rubber seal to the wood, then replaced the trim covering it - almost a year now with not seeing that rubber seal again -


Well-known member
so the factory just does not put enough mounts /staples in - the friction sliding in/out pulls down- my dealer removed the wood trim covering, used staple gun to correctly fasten the rubber seal to the wood, then replaced the trim covering it - almost a year now with not seeing that rubber seal again -

Thanks for the info. Just what I suspected. For now I’ll live with the small area I have to deal with. If and when it gets too bad I’ll fix it, I really don’t want to tear into it just yet. I have a hammer and nails 😉


Well-known member
You know the simple rubber flap on the kitchen slide has not impressed me in its ability to keep out the outside heat and cold - maybe it is OK under the slide to keep water out, but somehow I don't think water intrusion is a big problem underneath the kitchen slide. I had recurring problems with this underneath seal getting torn, which I repaired and it was torn again, and on sunny days with the sun low to the kitchen side of the trailer I could see sunlight streaming in under the slide!! My solution for the heat/cold intrusion was to make an inside, removable, square, foam rubber seal that goes under the lip of the slide and around the corners. I stuff this seal in place under the front of the slide when I arrive somewhere, and remove it before bringing the slides in for travel. This has worked well for me. I made this from a window air conditioner foam rubber sealing kit I found at WalMart, cutting and gluing the foam rubber to size.

Oh, by the way. I have found that the far ends of the kitchen (and desk) slides where they meet the wall (behind the slide trim fascia) are a favorite place for mice to squeeze in to the living space. I have tried stuffing steel wool and strong room sprays in these places, but have decided these are the best place to put snap mousetraps baited with peanut butter. I have learned that the crafty mice can lick the creamy peanut butter off of a mousetrap trip/bait arm without tripping the trap, though. The secret is to use crunchy peanut butter and wedge a piece of peanut down in the bait arm bait hole so the mouse has to work to get the peanut, and trips off the trap.