Captain01 is bashing Heartland again on RV.Net


I am pretty sure I know why the thread was shut down. You did not see all the posts that were deleted about how lawyers must have been involved and more Heartland bashing. The moderators imo were smart to shut it down before it devolved even further,,, Elizabeth


Tired and Retired member
Maybe he'll update us with the results of the trip to Elkhart. If he's had such a bad experience AND the complaints are real, he should be very pleased that Heartland has made the effort to correct and satisfy him. From a past experience many years ago with a much lesser unit, I wasn't even given the time of day with a frame problem. I believe that with the explosive growth of the industry, we're seeing the result of forums, factory involvement for satisfaction, and interested folks. The last 2 unit's manufacturers we've had have been very good on resolving issues, small and large.


Well-known member
FWIW, I'm new to 5th wheels (although I've owned 3 motorcoaches) and to Heartland and, more specifically the Owner's Club.

I've been very satisfied with my Sundance 2800RLS but I did have a few minor issues including a heater duct issue in the bedroom. The local dealer fixed the problem which was a ducting problem downstream from the floor heat register. Heartland covered the item, as they should have, under warranty, so there were no issues with Heartland or the dealer. When I discovered a thread relating to similar heat ducting/airflow issues, I chimed in and noted that it might be an area to really look at. In pops a moderator to edit the post as inappropriate.

Now, maybe I'm wrong, but if the freeflow of information about Heartland products isn't one of the primary purposes of the HOC, and it's simply a cheerleading exercise for Heartland, then maybe I misunderstood the mission of HOC before I joined up. Is this a sugar-coated forum, or one where opinions as well as facts are welcomed even if they aren't a glowing, Mr. Rogers Neighborhood kind?

Anybody who has any knowledge of fabrication or construction or production of items (widgets or whatever) knows that even Rolls Royce occasionally has a lemon or a known area of weakness. Are we really doing HOC members, prospective buyers or Heartland itself a service by filtering remarks that aren't purely positive?


Well-known member
Hi StevieWonder,

I wanted to chime in on your concern about the tone and operation of the forum.

We all have experiences and opinions and they can and do differ. That's fine - we're all different. When it comes to reviewing the thousands of posts with comments and opinions on this forum, some of the tests we use are "Is it constructive? Is the poster truly trying to help? Is the poster truly asking for help?"

Different people go about posting their comments and opinions on online forums differently. Around here, mostly, it's good, sometimes it's borderline, sometimes it really poor form.

I have reviewed your post that John excised your last sentence in and agree with John's action. It just wasn't constructive and it adds nothing useful to the forum for others. It was borderline. If you wish to speak to Heartland directly about your thoughts on any ongoing production problems they may have, please know that it is always your option to call, email or send them a letter - they are very open to your opinions on their coaches. One thing that some are not aware of is that Heartland does not run this forum. And they only get messages that are posted in the ATF (Ask The Factory) forums.

My apologies if we have ruffled any feathers. We would like you to stick around this place and continue to be a productive member of the community.

Thank you,

Jim Beletti
Owner - Heartland Owners Forum