Recent content by Heckya

  1. Heckya

    Tip on Cleaning the GRAY tanks to improve sensor readings

    I use a bag of ice in the black tank ;-)
  2. Heckya

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: OR, Winchester Bay - 6/21/2013 to 6/23/2013

    We are new Heartland owners and new to the forum. Where do we register for the rally and where is the campground? Thanks, Jason
  3. Heckya

    Audio Unit Mounted to High to Be Visible/Useful.

    Well it she could have it the way ours is which is below and to the right of my 39lcd. I almost have to get on my knees to change the station ;-L
  4. Heckya

    Move panel from bathroom to left of the bathroom door

    I totally agree! I have the 2650BH and have wondered why they are located in the bathroom and not by the stat? My other pet peeve is why the cargo bay doors are not the same size at the front of the trailer? Oh and the water and cable connections on the back not by the electrical....