Recent content by ramyot

  1. R

    Water heater circuit board 91365

    Our Pioneer 28Rg 2019 MODEL the circuit board has failed for the hot water tank after on a few years is this normal to have to start replacing these so far this unit has been DISAPOINTMENT the furnace would not ignite has it in dealer and no success i relocated the the circuit board and reset...
  2. R

    RESOLVED: Circuit Breaker Orientation (Wiring)

    where did you get box
  3. R

    RESOLVED: Circuit Breaker Orientation (Wiring)

    I am currently replacing all breakers on my RG28 2019 all the connections are corroded so bad the studs' broke off this thread has been helpful i wasn't sure what sizes to get now to find where to buy them here in ontario
  4. R

    Heat trace lines to keep water lines from freezing

    Hello new to forum I have a RG28 pioneer we use our trailer mostly year round and living in northern Ontario freezing of water lines is common on trips I have a 8500 watt generator, so power is not the problem. Has anyone installed hear trace cables on their water lines, pros and cons, before I...
  5. R

    RG28 2019 furnace removal

    Once I get the furnace out I will inspect all connections, but first to get that unit out of the hole it is in with out having to remove to the stove
  6. R

    RG28 2019 furnace removal

    thanks for the quick replies the issue with the furnace is that when I set the thermostat, sometimes the blower will start right away, but no ignition, I then remove the air intake cover under th stove and tap the furnace then it will ignite and only burn for a minute or less it will finally get...
  7. R

    RG28 2019 furnace removal

    How do I get my furnace out from under the stove no other access, I have removed the 2 screws that hold the unit in place I can get it to move side to side and lift it about a inch but it seems that it won't release from the exhaust tube, I have also tried to remove the exhaust from outside...