Asking for your prayers.


Hi to all,

I just want to let everyone know what is happening in my life and ask for your prayers.

I have had a bad cough for 2 or 3 months. Been to Dr’s and have been treated for everything and nothing has stopped the cough. After chest x-rays and CT scan they found a mass in the right lower lung. After more CT’s and 2 biopsy’s and PET scan they have found that it is a cancer mass and it is probably causing the cough. It has been diagnosed as stage 3 and where it is they will not operate at this time. I am to undergo a brain MRI to make sure it has not spread to the brain yet. This next week I will be scheduled for 6 weeks of 5 treatments each week of aggressive radiation treatments and also 1 day a week of chemo therapy and for how long on the chemo I don’t know yet.

I have beat cancer twice before in the colon, 20 years ago. So with your thoughts and prayers I will beat it again.

Jim M

Praying for a full and healthy recovery.

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To all my Heartland family and friends I want to say a BIG THANK YOU for all the prayers, thoughts and offers during my downtime fighting lung cancer and then pneumonia.

It has been one of the worst battles I have ever been up against. It has been both physical and mental to me. Since it started in March, 2019, I have lost over 50 lbs and am very weak, but hopefully it will be coming back as I am just now starting to eat a little something other than just water and the Ensure Plus drink. My throat was burned internally during the process of radiation on the lung and it is taking a very long time for it to heal. I have had to use a numbing liquid to numb the throat somewhat before anything, including water, was taken in.

But with everyone’s prayers and thoughts it will continue to work, not only for me, but for everyone.
Jim M

Keep hanging in there, Jim.. praying for you and your family.