6 point level up by lippert


I know it has been awhile since I have been on the forum but that is because I did finally take delivery of my Road warrior 415 on July 31, 2012.

It has basically been in the shop for service every since and still remains there today. I would list all the problems that have occurred but I do not have a spare couple of weeks to type them all up.

I will just say since I took delivery I have owned the unit 322 days and it has been in the shop for 230 of those days and counting!

Now my question, has any one had a issue where the self leveling jacks will not go down level? Which in-turn puts the sliders in a bind. So you have to try to guess what is really level. Then once they are down when you try to put them back up they go about two inches one at a time and then the system shuts off and then resets it self. Then you go through this whole process for a little over an hour before you can get all 6 jacks retracted?

I bought the unit to semi retire and sitting at home waiting on a phone call from the shop is not my idea of a good life. Any input from expierience would be welcome. They have tried a number of fixes but nothing to date has worked.

very disappointed,

Wow just realized maybe I should have sent this to Ann Lander or Dr. Phil!!!



Well-known member
Hi jsdeano,

Sounds like you've been having a pretty rough time. Sorry to hear it.

The 6 point auto level system should end up with a level floor inside the coach, as measured with a carpenters level. If not it needs to be calibrated.

The problem where the leveler repeatedly shuts off is either a weak 12v circuit breaker, a loose wire, a pump problem, or a mechanical bind somewhere in the hydraulic system.

It's a little concerning that the dealer isn't sure what to do. They should be on the phone with Lippert Techs to get to the bottom of the leveling system issues.

You might want to call Heartland Customer Service at 877-262-8032 / 574-262-8030. Have your VIN # ready. They may be able to get the dealer help, and perhaps help them prioritize your work to get the rig back in service.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


Well-known member
Second the suggestion. Call Heartland yourself. Find out why your issues have not been resolved by your dealer. You need to not sit by the phone but ASK for help from Heartland. They help anyone who will ask for help.


Hello Dan,

Actually I am on my second dealership. They as was the first dealership have been on the phone constantly with lippert and heartland. The breakers, pump, a couple of the jacks have all been replaced . they have flushed and refilled the lines they have torn out the entire underbelly so they could trace the lines. They put a new computer in it. They have reset the computer numerous times. I have spoken with Lippert and have had many many coversations with heartland. Everyone is as nice as can be. They just cant seem to fix the problem. That is why I am hoping someone has found something in their unit that fixed it. It is not due to a lack of trying!


Hi Paul,

Talking with Heartland and Lippert has not been hard. I have written letters sent pictures sent all reports. Unfortunately none of this has solved the problems. Most of the problems should be qite easy fixes. Just small things like the cabinet doors fall off when you try to open them. The slides have torn out the entire kitchen floor. Also the slide took out the cabinet doors in the kitchen. The list goes on and on and on.
Heartland has agreed to fix some or most of the problems and says they are willing to fix everything and extend my warranty for 6 months if I sign off on never being able to recoup any of my losses. As you can understand there would be no reason to worry about 6 more months of warranty when the original problem has never been fixed in 8 months.

Anyway enough about me. If you have heard of any abnormal fixes for the level up system please let me know. I would sure like to be able to use my unit.



Well-known member
We've had no issues with our level-up system, so cannot advise on that. It's just odd that a solution cannot be found between your dealer, HL, & Lippert.

Good luck. Let the forum know the resolution.



Well-known member
If it has not already been done, I suggest they measure voltage and current during operation. It would greatly help determine if the problem is electrical, mechanical or both. Measurements should be done at the battery and at the pump, then at other places if necessary. A savy mechanic with a good electrical background will know how to interpret the readings. I'm confident Lippert would help.