Carefree Flat Awning on Cyclone 3950


Our Cyclone 3950 has the electric awning made by Carefree that is essentially flat and dumps water automatically as water builds up on it. My question is: Is it possible to control which side of the awning the water dumps on? Right now it always dumps on the front end, and it would be better if it would dump on the back end. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Active Member
Not sure about the awning it self but if you raise the front a little (not too much too make it out of level). The water should drain backwards just be careful it doesn't pool in the middle


Well-known member
I think it may have to do with the end the motor is on because mine also dumps on the front end which in our case is good.


Well-known member
I raise the front slightly and our awning dumps to the rear. And it has had quite a workout this weekend!