Dead Bug Removal


Howdy fellow HL owners.....

This past week my DW and I camped in Branson, MO and Hot Springs, would appear that I picked up *censored word* near every bug along the way from OK to Iowa and back through MO and AR. Of course, the small swarm of bees I drove through didn't help matters--any who....any expert advice to get the dried bug guts and road grime (asphalt) removed from the front of the Big Horn would be greatly appreciated. I am looking at getting some of that awesome orange from Dollar Tree to get the streaks/marks off, but wasn't sure if that would do the trick for dried up bugs. Thanks in advance for your assistance.


Active Member
Tar, oil, grease, asphalt, and bugs are easily removed with Naptha/varsol which can be obtained at your local Lowe's, or Home Depot......You will need to re-wax, as these products remove it all.....Just apply to a rag or sponge.

Taz Devil

Well-known member
I agree with Jimmyt5 about the dryer or fabric softener sheets. Just dampen them and then wipe away the bugs. It will make washing them off a lot easier.


Legendary Member
I use a product called Streak-X that does a great job. I was able to get some samples from the manufacturer in October, and hope that everyone that got one tried it out. I love the way it "melts" the bugs.