Help with finding light switch


Active Member
Still learning our way around our 2005 landmark grand canyon. There are lights that match the security lights on each side at the rear of the coach near ground level. For the life of me I can't figure out where to turn them on. These lights don't come on with the security lights switched in the main switch panel by the door. They would be helpful setting up in the dark for sure.

Anyone have an idea how I can switch these on and off?


Well-known member
This is just a guess as I do not own a Landmark, but could they be controlled with the remote fob like the security lights on my BC?


Legendary Member
Could these be back up lights? If so, they may be wired into your truck back up lights. I'm not sure if this was a factory installed option or something installed by the previous owner.


Senior Member
Take a look in the battery compartment and you will see a rocker switch to the far left next to the circuit breakers, I believe that is were you turn them on. I also have heard that someone has wired the to the trucks backup lights, I just don't remember who did it.



Active Member
Take a look in the battery compartment and you will see a rocker switch to the far left next to the circuit breakers, I believe that is were you turn them on. I also have heard that someone has wired the to the trucks backup lights, I just don't remember who did it.


DING DING DING...We have a winner! The rocker switch in the battery compartment controls the lights at the rear of the trailer. Funny that asking what that switch did was going to be my next post!

I love this camper, but some of the switch locations relative to what they control seem a bit odd. Like the switch to turn on the kitchen lights behind the door to the main switch panel....

Thanks all for your help. Sorry for the slow response but work sometimes gets in the way of the fun stuff.