Outlets stopped working

We forgot to unplug the space heater and started the microwave. The outlets went out. We checked every fuse and tried to reset the gfi outlet and still nothing. No fuzes are blown. This is our first trip with this unit. Any suggestions


Staff member
That is a 120 volt system so it should be protected by a circuit breaker.
Look at your breakers and reset them all by turning off and back on again. At times they do not appear to be tripped but actually are.
The microwave should be on its own circuit. You may have tripped the main breaker in your rig or you may have tripped the breaker at the pedestal. Reset that one as well.
Are you camping in WI this weekend?



Staff member
No, breakers should be inside somewhere.
It's seems odd to me that the microwave and another receptacle would go out at the same time since I believe that code requires the microwave to be on its own circuit. I could be wrong.
Could be that a wire became disconnected somewhere. I would start by disconnecting from shore power and removing the breaker panel and checking the wires at the breakers. I would also find where the neutral wire buss is and check those wires as well.
I would also remove the receptacles and check the wires there as well.

Blue Mound State park, nice area and the tallest spot in southern WI.
Chilly this morning.



Well-known member
Likely Possibilities

1. Park pedestal circuit breaker tripped. Your interior lights will still work. Refrigerator will switch to propane mode. No microwave. No outlets work. TV doesn't work.

2. Loose power cord connection at the trailer. Similar to symptoms of number 1. But some 110V things may still be working.

3. Main circuit breaker inside the trailer has tripped. Same symptoms as number 1. But you said you already tried resetting it.

4. Park power has a problem. You'd need a voltmeter to check the pedestal. Or park management can check it.
Likely Possibilities

1. Park pedestal circuit breaker tripped. Your interior lights will still work. Refrigerator will switch to propane mode. No microwave. No outlets work. TV doesn't work.

2. Loose power cord connection at the trailer. Similar to symptoms of number 1. But some 110V things may still be working.

3. Main circuit breaker inside the trailer has tripped. Same symptoms as number 1. But you said you already tried resetting it.

4. Park power has a problem. You'd need a voltmeter to check the pedestal. Or park management can check it.

Sorry for for the dumb question where is the park pedestal circuit breaker
Duhhhhhh. I just checked it and you were correct....it was the park pedestal.....I should have tried that first. Thank you everyone for your help