Senseless taking of Antelope


Well-known member

Sad day for western Nebraska. Two young men spotlighted shot and killed 25 antelope just north of our farm ground. Left them lying dead in the wheat.


I hope they get prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law. Lose their hunting privileges for life and as convicted felons their 2nd Adm right to firearms!! They have shown they don't deserve to handle firearms.
I hope the meat did not go to waste??


Pennsylvania Chapter Leaders-retired
Senseless. We had a similar rampage on whitetail up near our cabin a few years ago. I understand they were caught...

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Well-known member
Both are local young men mid 20's. One still in custody other bonded out $1000 bond in my opinion much to cheap.
Not sure how to post the link Google KNEB radio North Platte, Nebraska for complete details.


South Carolina Chapter Leaders-Retired
Things like this are just what give legal hunters and firearms enthusiasts a bad name. Hope they are severely prosecuted!


Well-known member
I don't hunt, as I see it as a means for sustenance and I have several stores near and the funds to utilize those stores....

I do understand the need for population control and such and have no issue shooting 20 Ferrell hogs in a day...or a human who intends malice and harm on other innocent people.....

But that sort of stupidity should be prosecuted as negligent homicide at a minimum...animal or not....that's beyond the realm of a normal person and should be treated as such. ..

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Well-known member
In Arizona the court fines are moderate in most cases but the civil fines assessed by Arizona Game and Fish are substantial plus they lose their firearms and hunting licenses, if they even had any for a minimum of 5 years. This kind of nonsense only brings discredit on hunting although these idiots have nothing to do with hunting. I hunt and I turn in violators of every law that I see violated during the seasons that I am out there. There are just too many that call themselves hunters that trash the forest, violate game laws and road "hunt" and call it sport.


Well-known member
Sad for sure, but to think a fine, lose their hunting lic. for life won't stop these jerks from doing it all over again. Like John Wayne said "you can't fix stupid"


Prolifically Gabby Member
Douche bags such as these need a one way ride out to the hinterlands where their bodies won't be found.

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