Slides starting to dig into carpet


Well-known member
We're well into our second year and slides have been used a lot, but all 3 are starting to dig into carpet when actuated. Are there instructions on adjusting this pressure? I'm thinking a 1/4" max in height would do, but can I do it?


Staff member
It sounds like you need an adjustment.
Take a look at the 'Tools' section at the top of the page.
Then click on 'HOM' (Heartland Owners Manuals).
You will find the information on adjustments that you need.


Terry H

Past Texas North Chapter Leader/Moderator
Staff member
Check the slide rollers make sure they are not damaged or broken.


Well-known member
The two larger slides are starting to do this as well, dealership adjusted them as much as possible but they still aren't quite right putting exerting too much pressure. No damaged slide rollers though I am going to check the welds just in case.
I'm thinking of taking out the carpet in the living area anyway and going with and RV tile (lighter weight than home use), it would be easier to keep up as well as brighten up the main living area. It also would leave a little bit more room for pressure from the slides...its a theory so far so can't say if it would make a difference.


Well-known member
HL adjusted our door side slide at the rally. They raised it up and added what they called skis. Slide was pressing hard against the vinyl (we're max vinyl) and gauging it.


Well-known member
Theresau, HL told me to do the same using the 'skis' or 'slicker plates', we had our slides adjusted as much as possible but they are still sitting on the carpet too hard. Thinking of checking the rollers and using a plate of some kind for RV's...might be the only way to fix it.


Well-known member
I am curious about the slides cannot be adjusted. We had a similar issue with the door slide---I loosed the bolts on both sides, adjusted the nut so the outside of the slide would go down a bit (1/8--1/4") worked it in/out a few times and it solved the problem---tightened all the bolts. I have a similar problem with the computer slide and will look at that sometime in the next few weeks.
currently in BC, CN


Well-known member
I was told by lippert at the rally that their was no adjustment for that problem
Was told that as well until I sent the PDF to the service dept where it is currently, Ron took a look at it and figured out how to adjust the two living room slides so they no longer rest on the carpet full weight but still sealed. He is going to show me how and what he did since he said it most likely will slip again from time to time between road use and basic living use.
I think Lippert is telling service departments this without really understanding they are designed to reduce the stress extended or retracted.