So much more than just Wild flowers


Well-known member
Earlier today the elderly couple in the site next to ours were preparing to leave. They had watched intently as the the mobile tire, and service tech replaced our tires, and looked over our RV. Monday evening he stopped by and ask me: "Did they get everything taken care of, and do you ever sit down and just relax"? We both chuckled. This morning he was in need of a bolt, nut, and washers so I scrounged around and found him what he needed along with the proper wrenches. So just before they pulled out there was a knock on our door, and the gentleman said: "Here, my wife picked these Wild Flower's yesterday (pictured below), and she wanted your better half to have them to enjoy the rest of the week, but I just want you to smell them, and learn to relax and take the time to enjoy the simple beautiful things all around you. You all be safe"

53 years old and still learning. :)

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