Two sky shows in two nights.


Well-known member
We watched the rocket go up through the palm trees across the road from the front of the bighorn the night before. Then last night we watched the solar flare lights dance around on the clouds. The lights we could see where we are seemed to be rotating in a clockwise motion generally but there were other times when there would be 3 or so and they would come in from different directions toward the center and then disperse. The computer said they would look like the northern lights but they looked more like somebody shining weak spot lights against the back of the clouds. I guess if we were further north there would have been more color. Tom

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
I saw the rocket also. We're in Clermont just west of Disney. At one point it looked as if it was stationary. It was probably going east out over the Atlantic. Pretty cool though. I missed the solar flare. Didn't know it was going to occur.


Well-known member
I think the rocket went south first and then went east before it flamed out. It made it look like it had stopped moving. We are in the Space Coast area at Rockledge. My sister down at Ft. Pierce said that my niece called her and said that the solar flare story was all over tv up north. My sister called us about 11:30 pm and we went outside and watched the lights dance around through the clouds for about a half hour. As the clouds faded away the lights seemed to concentrate in a smaller area. We could only see them where there were clouds.