Concealed carry permits


Legendary Member
Thats the best thing to do. I know that Texas has the same thing as Michigan, the Officer knows that you have the CHL, so if you show him your license and tell him whether you are carrying or not, you will be fine.


Well-known member
Face it guys, we are all driving around out there with $150k + rigs (most of us have set ups worth more then the average persons home). We are great big moving targets. Just our set up's scream I have money. It would be crazy not to have a CCW. We need to protect our selfs and our property. Especially those of us who boondock or stay at WMarts/Rest stops ect. In the state of Mo. our CCW instructor who was our local deputy sherrif said "do not put your endorsement on your drivers licens get a seperate ID & do not say anything to an officer unless asked". I agree with those who posted before me. Concealed means concealed and unless you plan to use your gun unlawfully you have nothing to worry about.


Well-known member
During my last CHL renewal class, I learned two things about weapons in Texas vehicles here in Texas. You no longer require a license to possess a loaded pistol in your vehicle. The same restrictions apply though such as school parking lots, etc. The law that you must show an officer your CHL if you have a handgun in your possession in the vehiclel is still on the books, but there is no penalty if you fail to (it used to be a misdameanor).
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Well-known member
During my last CHL renewal class, I learned two things about weapons in Texas vehicles here in Texas. You no longer require a license to possess a loaded pistol in your vehicle. The same restrictions apply though such as school parking lots, etc. The law that you must show an officeer your CHL if you have a handgun in your possession in the vehicle, but there is no penalty if you fail to (it used to be a misdameanor).

Same in Florida


I didn't read all 15 pages so here goes....AZ requires no license/permit to CCW - anyone can CCW. Regarding the OP's original question - I carry a Glock .45 and an AR-15. Oh, and a retired Sergeant badge from my 30 years as an LEO meaning no CCW permit required anywhere in the US.


Well-known member
I beg to differ. I do have an Arizona issued CC permit, and 35 years as a LEO in this state. While you can carry concealed in AZ without a CCP you do not have reciprocity in other states that have CC permits. The CC is honored by most states but my badge may not be depending upon which state and the LEO you run in to at the time. Try using the badge in California or NY and see how far it gets you. California does not even like our Arizona window tinting and depending upon the mood of the CHP officer you run into you may get cited for that. Never assume that the badge is a get home free ticket. I hated being badged and thought it was disrespectful to use that as an excuse for bad decisions. One the other hand I should add that there is Federal law which allows current and retired police to carry throughout the US but there are also a number of requirements that go with that, including meeting the requirements for firearms training of police agencies where the person resides at least every 12 months.

And someone earlier said they were told not to tell the LEO that stops you that you are carrying unless asked. Very bad advice from that officer. If you are stopped, put your hands on the top of the steering wheel and tell the officer that you have a weapon in the vehicle and a permit to carry, because he/she may already know from the computer response and be acting accordingly. I always appreciated being told. The officer will almost always assume that while you might be a nice guy because you have a CC permit, you still could be a threat at any point during that contact.
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I have a Utah non-resident CCW permit. Being a Maryland resident., it was either that or Florida and Utah was the better option for me. I still can't CC in Maryland, and the Utah permit is not recognized in all states, but it's better than nothing. It's really a shame. I spend 20+ years in the Marine Corps and the state of Maryland deems that, as a citizen of Maryland I don't have the right to carry. Hopefully this will change soon since the Maryland law has been struck down and is currently pending the State's appeal in federal district court.


Well-known member
I live in Maryland, and as the original posting stated we are not able to carry here. I have both a Florida and a Utah permit. Since I travel to Florida more so then out west I needed the Florida since they do not recognize other Non-Resident permits there.

I usually have a laptop but always have a smartphone so I can check the laws for states I may be going thru. They change more frequently then we know. I use and to check on law changes and where my permits are honored. These sites are updated as the laws change.

I have a weapon that I carry as well as a weapon that I keep in the rig for my wife, who will soon be obtaining a Florida permit as well.

Never hurts to be prepared to protect your family!


Active Member
I carry concealed from the time I get out of bed till the time I get back in bed (then its reverts to my "home" gun another glock 19 with a laser and light attached)

I have a concealed weapons permit. I carry a glock, revolver, and my favorite a 308. I am not against guns; but I thought I would never own one let alone 3....why; a few years ago that girl hiker and her dog went missing in North Georgia Mountains (the same mountains my dogs and I like to hike) they found her a few days later with her head chopped and brutally tortured. I want an even playing field, so I don't wanna hike or go anywhere without one.


Well-known member
So the Mrs. Has completed her CCW permit class and we are on a ten week trip out west. Utilizing my Utah and Florida permits and enjoying my freedom here versus at home! I am carrying either the XDs .45acp OWB or my M&P 9c OWB.

The Mrs. Is proudly carrying the LCP in her hip pocket!


Well-known member
So the Mrs. Has completed her CCW permit class and we are on a ten week trip out west. Utilizing my Utah and Florida permits and enjoying my freedom here versus at home! I am carrying either the XDs .45acp OWB or my M&P 9c OWB.

The Mrs. Is proudly carrying the LCP in her hip pocket!
If you don't have a Maryland CCW, watch out when you go home.


Well-known member
I'm liking bear spray more and more. But in terms of firearms, I like a good shotgun. Its welcome in all 50 states in one form or another. You can even enter Canada with it. I have nothing against handguns but they are a real pain in the ARSS.
I'm a hunter and alot of times I'm hunting by myself on public land so I always have something for anyone who wants to come through my camper door uninvited. When I go camping with the DW I also make sure we have something for anyone who would want to do us harm.


Well-known member
Danemayer. I am well aware of the laws in Md. If you are referring to the Baltimore incident with the MDTA police, read my last comment in that thread. There was a lot more to that story.


Staff member
But in terms of firearms, I like a good shotgun. Its welcome in all 50 states in one form or another. You can even enter Canada with it.
I'm not so sure about that.
Because I have limited internet service at my present location I cannot research the regulation.
But I can say that I have been denied entry into Canada with a shotgun.
Of course I have also been allowed entry with the same shotgun.
Go figure.



Prolifically Gabby Member
I'm not so sure about that.
Because I have limited internet service at my present location I cannot research the regulation.
But I can say that I have been denied entry into Canada with a shotgun.
Of course I have also been allowed entry with the same shotgun.
Go figure.


I seem to recall that to enter Canada with anything more dangerous than a butter knife, you need pre-approved permits. If they decide to search and find a firearm of any kind and you don't have the right papers, you are going to regret it.

Grey Ghost

Well-known member
I have a CCW and have both a Ruger 9mm and a Smith & Wesson .38. The .38 clip holster fits real nice right below the steering column and the 9 fits in a special holster that fits on the side of the driver seat. I also have a shotgun in the 5ver. We camp a lot in the back country and you never know what might be next door!
Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.:cool:


After getting my Illinois, Fl. and Utah CCW I carry, if you look at what is going on in our country any more it just seem to me to be the thing to do. you never know what's around the next turn Looks at what is going on in St Louis
Since your RV is considered your "residence" it is legally allowed to have a handgun or long gun in it in the stat of Texas. To carry it on your person you need a permit or fall under one of the "special" categories i.e. Peace Officer. To carry it on your person it must be concealed. The latest I have heard of is your motor vehicle (car, truck) is considered an extension of your residence hence no permit is needed. From experience most all of the Peace Officers I know take the attitude everyone is carrying concealed until they know otherwise. You know safety first. BTW - Isn't it our constitutional right to be able to own a weapon? It is your personal choice as to whether you carry it legally or otherwise.

As for me I carry it, and do have a Peace Officer (retired) Federal Permit.

I too, have a Federal Law Enforcement permit as well as a Fl permit. The Federal Permits requires re-certification with weapon qualified.