Global Warming Wanted


Prolifically Gabby Member
Well, sitting here in northern lower Michigan in the beginning of May, it started out in the mid-60's and sunny. Right now, it's raining, 42 degrees and heading lower. Forecast is 2 - 5" of snow this weekend...that's SNOW. Or is that just second-string Al's dandruff? At home, I've mothballed the snowblower and had the lawn cut 3 times already.

At least we're comfy in the BH and everything's working like it should. Except for that Charge Wizard pendant I installed. Thing's dead in the water. Might have a bad connection from splicing and extending the cable to a usable length.


Well-known member

I didn't follow your thread to the end but I wanted to let you know that in 2005, when I installed a charge wizard in a spot that was convenient for me, I did not use any connectors to extend it. I chopped the cord at the half way point, lengthened it with similar gauge wire and butt splices. I called PD to make sure it was okay first and got their nod. Worked fine.

If you did use modular connectors, note that some modular connectors and cords are straight-through wired while others are flipped.



Prolifically Gabby Member
Thanks for that info, Jim. I'll try pulling it out and doing butt splices instead of installing connectors on it. Would be nice if they put enough wire on the thing to make it useable, though.


Founders of SoCal Chapter
John, Al baby is probably doing snow and rain dances in his new $8 million home in Calif. It was snowing in Montana this week also. BTW, its raining there are we speak and probably headed your way.


Legendary Member
It was 44 degrees and raining this morning in Elkhart. Can't wait to get back to Texas...


It is 75* here in Madison GA. Been clear and high about 79* low was about 57*

I am setting outside under the awning watching the trees sway in the breeze. Not a bad way to live... Hee Hee Hee....

That's what I am doing..



Prolifically Gabby Member
We bailed. Back home now. Woke up to a heavy wet rain/snowfall that persisted south almost to West Branch, temps in the mid-30's and a stiff breeze. Trip was generally a success, though, since the primary goal was to get the rig up there, set up and checked out. Think I found the problem with the Wizard pendant, too. Looks like I did flip-flop the wires in one of the modular connectors I put on. Didn't have my crimper, so it'll have to wait until we head back up later this month.