Happy veteran's day 2012


Well-known member
May I encourage all who can to take part in some Veteran's Day activities, and take advantage of the free offers for our Vets. But, mainly I want to send out a HUGE THANKS to all my fellow Veterans. And, a special "Welcome Home" to my Brothers and Sisters of the Vietnam War. May you all have "fair winds, and following seas".


Flying Dutchman

Virginia Chapter Leaders - Retired
Same back to you Ron. To all our Brothers and Sisters in arms, THANK YOU for your service. We will be at Sailors Creek Battlefield State Park on 11/11 for a Veterans Ceremony on Hallowed Ground. We will take part in the lighting of 500 luminaries after sunset that are placed through the scene of some of the heaviest fighting during the battle of Sailor's Creek that occurred just days prior to General Lee's surrender to General Grant.

US Army
Vietnam 1968-1969
101st ABN DIV
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Founding Utah Chapter Leaders-Retired
Happy Veterans Day and thank you to all who have served and their families. Trace

USNMCB-5 Vietnam '69-'70
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Committed Member
Thanks to all who have served or who are serving this great nation of ours!

Dave: '78-'99 Hooah!
Nona: '79-'99 times 2


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Prolifically Gabby Member
A happy and safe Veterans Day to all who have served.

USAF 1967 - 1971
USAFR 1976 - 2003


Well-known member
Happy Veterans Day to all who have served and sacrificed for this great country. Ron I think we had met you and your wife Ann last April in Stone Mountain.

173RD Airborne 69-70


Kentucky Chapter Leaders - retired
Our heartfelt thanks to the many who have sacrificed so much for this land!


Well-known member
A Big Thank You! to all of our Vets and to those now serving our Great Nation.

USMC - 1966 -1968


Well-known member
To all my fellow veterans, thank you for your service to our country! And to my fellow Vietnam Vets, "welcome home brothers and sisters!! Welcome home!!


Well-known member
Happy Veteran's day to all veterans and those still serving, and please let us not forget our fallen and their families. Thanks to all for your service. (USA Retired 1957 -1981)


PegMikeF. Thanks for your kind thoughts from a fellow vet, US Navy including Nam tours. Navy 1965-1987. We look forward to meeting many more vets and others when we become Heartland owners/members,


Original Owners Club Member
Happy Veterans Day to all Veterans and Active Military personnel.
Jim Gratz
USASA US ARMY 1966-1970


Well-known member
A very happy Veteran's Day to all and also to all the men and women currently serving.

USMC 1964 - 1967
Vietnam 65 - 66