it appears!


US Army Retired (CW4)
Sorry if I have offended those that have been here and have expressed an opinion....I am sure you have seen much that I have not! I did not try to make my opinion the only one, it is just I have been here for over 60 years and that means something!!!!!

Delaine and Lindy

Well-known member
rumaco you haven't offend me in any way at all. But your post is very interesting and if a person is a Thinker he or she will understand. Any person who has lived 60 years or more does have a lot of experience and a lot to offer. I read this form several times everyday and have gained a lot and learned many things and I look forward each day to see what is happening in Heartlands world.

There are days that I would love to comment on some things but I don't, reason being I don't want some one to be upset with my comments. But in a lot of cases I will PM the person and give them my ideas or suggestions. There are many who take things to serious, and read something thats just not there. But I have met several of the Heartlanders and have found that in person they are just good people. I will make sure to drop by and visit some during your Nashville Rally, I live West of Nashville and will drive up and say hi, I'm sure there want be a problem finding the Heartland Rally site. But sometimes I say things I wished I had not said but its like the old saying when the water goes under the bridge you just can't get it back. GBY....


Well-known member
I am on many different forums. One thing you have to remember is that communication by the writen word is alot different from sitting across the table or face to face. You miss all the body expressions in your communication. So what you write may not come across how you may feel.Us older guys have to learn forum etticate SP .You will catch on dispite your years of experience...