Join The North texas Chapter!

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Well-known member
For Reservation for the Atlanta State Park near Texarkana Texas Call 512-389-8900 between 9am and 6pm (Mon-Fri). Day's reserved June 20 and 21 the Knights Bluff area.
Please let me know when you have made your reservations.


Well-known member
OK we have less than a month to go for the Atlanta State Park meeting. I hope everyone has gotten their reservation. I hope all members can attend. We look forward to seeing what you have done to personalize your rigg. It is also time to pick a new WAGON MASTER which we pick after 2 complete meeting.


Well-known member
Hello, North Texas Heartland Owners Group. I hope everyone is well and eager to travel the week end of the June 20th.
I was wondering if anyone would like to travel as a group to the Atlanta State Park on Friday the 20th.


Well-known member
At our next meeting at the Atlanta State Park we will vote in a new Wagon Master and he or she will have to be Wagon Master for 2 quarters. You do not have to be present to be voted in.This means finding a location each quarter for our Camp Out's and setting it all up I will help anyone that gets voted in as Wagon Master. If you would like to volunteer just let me know we will put your name on the ballet.


Well-known member
Camp Out / Atlanta State Park Texas

We now have just a week to go and I have heard so much about the Atlanta SP that I am ready to go now. But I have to make a living like everybody else.:mad: June 20, 21 & 22 2008
We will leave around 5 PM Friday and I just love going down 635 during rush hour. :eek:
Remember the POT Luck Dinner Saturday. It looks like we will have a good turn out by the emails I have received.
Remember this is the Meeting that we vote on a new Wagon Master.

If you have any minor repairs are issues that one of us can help you with let me know.
I look forward to seeing all of you again have a good day.

Everyone is welcome to come we will be at the Knights Bluff area in the Atlanta State Park near Texarkana Texas.

Edd and Janet

Active Member
I just joined and would like to know if there is a lot of traveling together or just meeting up at a certain destination? What are the annual dues? What is the difference in a senior member and a junior member?


Well-known member
Berry and Janet,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum.

Senior and Junior member is a member status on the forum and is driven by number of posts on the forum only. The forum is separate from the Heartland Owners Club.

The club will be formally launched this October. At that time, a benefits list and membership fee will be announced.

Yes - we do travel together. Even though we have yet to formailze the club, we have formed many chapters around North America and have held many rallies. Check the Rallies section on the portal at for an upcoming rally near you and mark your calendar for our North American rally next June 11-14, 2008 in Goshen, Indiana. A rally not to miss!



Well-known member
North Texas Heartland Owners

Welcome to Anne G., Berry and Janet S. to the club. You are our newest members. We have members from all across Texas and Oklahoma. It does not matter where your from as long as you love to RV.


Well-known member
Hey Heartland Owners would any of you like to have a Breakfast get together Sat. 11-22 @ 7:30AM @ the Cracker-Barrel on 35 and I think it is exit. 520 Lewisville / Flower Mound area?
It has been awhile since I have heard from some of you and I think we could just have Breakfast and catch up.
Let me know?


Well-known member
OK :rolleyes:the exit number was wrong but,you found the CrackerBarrel anyway. We had a good time and discussed the up coming year and things we would love to see happen with the club.
Now that the fuel price's are back down a little maybe we can start having a few camp out's in the Spring.
If you have any thoughts on this please let us know.


Retired-Full Timer
Marshall , Texas here. wife ( Diana ) and myself both retired. Full timing for the second time in our Bighorn. Please let us hear from you. just joined the heartland owners club, think i listed Texas south on entry. God Bless ya, Al


Well-known member
To who it may concern:
About the club, I have tried for four years to get a club going. Yes we have a lot of member but, only one or two ever wanted to do anything. I pushed the club and tried several events and meeting but, no luck. I think it has a lot to do with the economy and it takes money to do events and even meeting. It also cost a lot to RV which I still do.
What I am trying to say is even thou I would love to have a good club I am tired of working on the club and not getting a response. So I no long will be part of the club.


Perfict Senior Member
I think the large distances between Texas members is hurting the get-to-gethers. I feel I live in North Texas (Amarillo) but everyone tells me i'm wrong! Most events are 100's of miles from us so some feet dragging always occures.


Legendary Member
Cooper, I know its a couple of hundred miles, but you are welcome to come to the April rally in Spring. Westxsrt10, its a few hundred miles for you, but you could extend the trip if you want to. You can get the rally rate two days before and two days after the rally dates.


Past Oklahoma Chapter Leaders (Founding)
We are looking for a chapter to join. I can't find one in Oklahoma. Since we travel to Texas a lot, we would like to join a chapter there. I would appreciate any information. Thanks Larry keever


Hi Larry,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum and Family. We have a great bunch of people here with lots of information and all willing to share their knowledge if needed.

We currently do not have a North Texas Chapter going... Cooper tried to get one started, but just could not get anyone that wanted to help it seems. We do have a South Texas Chapter and have a couple of get to gathers planed. Check out this link to the Spring, Tx Rally. Jayc takes care of this one and we always have a great time.

Since your not to far from Texas...You might consider getting a Oklahoma--N Texas Chapter going. It's a great thing and lots of fun. If interested, let me know. Then I will have super salesman, Jim Beletti (Director or Owner Interest) contact you.... He probably will anyway... when he sees this. We are always looking for a way to expand our forum and family.

Enjoy the forum.

Jim M


Original Owners Club Member
Re: North Texas Heartland Owners

FYI - As well as the April Texas Rally being held at Rayford Crossing in The Woodlands (north side of Houston), there will be an October Texas Rally being held in Canton at Mill Creek RV Resort. Canton is about 50 miles east of Dallas on I20.
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