RV Trip Wizard


Legendary Member
I just checked the site after reading your question. I didn't see anything that would make me want to pay money for a site that I can do with free Google maps and other resources on the net. Perhaps I didn't check into it well enough, but I've planned a lot of trips the old way.


Well-known member
I don't think RV Trip Wizard could improve on my technique. I probably do more extensive trip planning than most. I satellite view all fuel stops, rest stops, turn points, and final destinations. I use GPS way points for every fuel and rest stop. Print out satellite maps and use a sticky on my GPS listing all exit numbers. My favorite RV park review site is rvparkreviews.com.


Well-known member
We've used RV Trip Wizard for several years - excellent overlay on Google Maps.

It has a large number of filters that you can choose from to show various campgrounds on your route that Google doesn't show.

It will calculate daily expenses based on parameters that you choose.

Additionally, you can search for campgrounds by mileage radius as you plot each days travel.

It's well worth the small annual subscription.