Bedroom slide bottom delaminating


Active Member
A couple weeks ago I noticed a patch about 3"x3" of the bottom of the bedroom slide in my Landmark had some damage to the laminate. Since then I have operated the slide 2-3 times and the damaged area is now about 3"x8". It looks like something is rubbing against the bottom of the slide and tearing the outer coating of laminate. Any ideas what is causing this or what I might do to fix it and or prevent it from getting worse?DSCN4733b.jpg


Well-known member
You may have some foreign object caught between the floor and the bottom of the slide. It looks as if the support roller is further to the right in your photo, so it is not likely causing the problem. Have a look behind the seal using a flashlight to see if anything is caught underneath. It's also possible that the slide floor is catching on the edge of the wall as it comes out, maybe because the roller is not supporting it properly. Good luck in your investigation.


Original Owners Club Member
I would suggest that you email the photo to Jim Fenner at Heartland Customer Service. See what he suggests you do.


Active Member
I did send Jim Fenner an email last night with the photo of the damage to the bottom of the bedroom slide out. Hopefully he will have solutions to solving this problem.

I did manage to squeeze between the bed and the front closet to look at the damaged corner from the inside. The bottom edge of the slide has been scrapped back by the metal plate that runs inside the wall under the slide. It looks to me that the roller may be leaning inward at the top of the assembly. if so, this would allow the bottom of the slide to rub against the metal plate and eventually peel back the outer layer of laminate.

I will see if I can tighten the screws holding the roller assemble. I will try to take some of the the weight of the bed slide off the roller first.