Propane tank storage on Cyclone


Active Member
I was surprised to see that the compartments that hold the propane tanks do not lock. Has anyone come up with ways to prevent these tanks from "walking" away?


Well-known member
Its against the law to lock propane compartments but I have locks on mine. Locks only keep honest people honest.


Well-known member
A friend of mine found his missing so the next set he purchased he used a cable bike lock and somehow ran it through the top of the tanks and through the tank mount. I've been thinking about doing the same.


Well-known member
If your rig developed a propane leak, it would be pretty important to be able to get to the tanks to shut them off.


Well-known member
Dan is right, if there was a sudden leak or, you had a fire and wanted to turn off the gas you don't want to be trying to find the keys. My RW has straps that hold the cylinders in place and there is a small loop at the latch where I put a padlock through hence preventing (slowing down a real thief) someone from opening the latch to remove the tank. I believe that is what the loops are there for