Prowler 32LX


Hey guys, I am not able to get to my new TT for a couple days due to this stupid thing called work... can anyone tell me the measurements, or what the biggest TV is that can go in the TV area?



ok, so the opening is 33'w x 25" h x 6" d

It looks like I am half of an inch away from being able to sqeeze in a 38".. Is 32 really my only option?


Moved on to the next thing...
Looks like a 32-inch TV is gonna be the limit...

Most 32-inch TV's are roughly 29-inches wide...the next size up would be a 39-inch TV, but they are around 37-inches wide.

Not a bad size (32-inch), though...that's what I've got in the living room of my Prowler.

Even though the space could take up to a 46-inch, the 32-inch is more than enough TV in there.


Well-known member
In my Sundance, I upgraded from the original 32" TV to a 39". I faced the same problem you are having, in that the TV opening was too small. My solution may or may not work for you based on the location of your TV cabinet. (Mine is totally out of the way.)

I first located all the backing on my cabinet to ensure I had enough support. I then cut a piece of 3/4 finish plywood and made wood brackets that were positioned on the cabinet backing to stand off the new plywood from the back of the existing cabinet. I then attached the plywood to these (all stained and finished to match). On the new plywood backing I mounted the existing swivel (locking) bracket. In the end, the new TV stood out proud of the existing opening by about 2.5 inches. Once again, since my cabinet is totally out of the way, this was not a problem.

To quote a well used cliché, you have to think outside the box.