Rubber Gasket on Slide Coming Loose


Well-known member
I noticed this weekend that the gasket on the slide is coming loose from the bottom. What can I use to refasten it to the slide? I would prefer to do this myself rather than taking it to dealer for such a small item.




Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
Can you show a pic?

We had a vertical rubber slide seal (attached to the rig) decide to start sliding down the channel. I used gorilla glue. Man it looks icky. But it doesn't slide down.:rolleyes:



Well-known member
The gasket is the vertical one on the side so it sounds like our problem is the same one you had just starting from the bottom. Will try to get Marshall to post a pic tomorrow.



Past Washington Chapter Leaders
I am not sure which slide seal you are dealing with but our seal/wipe on the bedroom Accuslide also started to come loose. In talking with the BAL technician on the phone he said the following..."Clean the area then wipe with denatured alcohol. Use the alcohol to reactivate the adhesive on the rubber wipe and reapply being sure to use some kind of roller for pressing the rubber to the frame area." He also added that, if the old adhesive was not enough to hold it in place, any type of clear glue should work." I should have clearified the white glue suggestion as I later discoved I was not exactly sure what he meant...maybe super glue?


Founders of SoCal Chapter
3M makes weatherstrip adhesive. They make the yellow (gorilla snot) and black. The black would be better in that it will blend in better. Put some (black) on both the W/S and the slide and let it get tacky. The yellow drys quicker but will stick to your fingers and anything it touches. So you have to be careful and quick when you use the yellow. It has always worked great in the auto industry.


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
Another idea is to call Heartland Parts Dept. If your rig is under warranty, have your VIN handy, and they might just send you a new seal for a self-install. Maybe you don't need it now, but if the tear reoccurs or gets worse, you have the part.



Well-known member
Unfortunately our unit is out of warranty but I may still call the parts dept. for a recommendation. Thanks!
