Slide hydraulic valves when stored


Well-known member
Should those valves be open or closed when stored for an extended period? It seems logical that they should be closed but I am often wrong.


Staff member
I never touch mine unless I want to isolate one slide for some reason. I don't think it matters how you store it.


Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
Ditto what cookie said. The valves only stop flow to a specific cylinder. When the pump isn't running, there is minimal pressure on them.


Prolifically Gabby Member
If you don't use the valves much, it might be a good idea just to run them in and out occasionally to keep the O-rings supple. I don't use mine much and incurred a leak at one of them, requiring the O-rings be replaced. Lost about a 1/2" of fluid, filling the pan under the reservoir because of it, even though the slides still functioned. And Lippert reniged on the warranty period.