SOLVED - No 12 Volt DC power


Well-known member
The power to the trailer works fine while plugged it. No power from the charged batteries to the trailer. Cells filled with water. Connections tight. No fuses appear to be blown on the converter. The last time I used 12 volt power was to extend the slide room. That worked. The next day, no 12 volt power while traveling. Is there a relay to reset? It seems to be something like a fuse or relay but I can't find one to reset / replace. Any ideas? Has this happened to anyone else?


Well-known member
Re: No 12 voly power

Do you have a 12v test light to use to find where you have 12v and where you do not?


Icantre Member
Re: No 12 voly power

Not familiar with prowler specifically, but if its like the rest of Heartland, you probably have a manual-reset 12V DC circuit breaker between the battery and the 12V fuse panel in the coach. In my rig there is a row of them on the wall behind the battery. Here's a picture.

View attachment 17464


Well-known member
Re: No 12 voly power

Not familiar with prowler specifically, but if its like the rest of Heartland, you probably have a manual-reset 12V DC circuit breaker between the battery and the 12V fuse panel in the coach. In my rig there is a row of them on the wall behind the battery. Here's a picture.

View attachment 17464

. . . and if it is a TT like my North Trail, then they are located on the frame behind the batteries.


Well-known member
Re: No 12 Volt DC power

Thanks all! The relay is where it was supposed to be. A click of the switch and I'm up and running.