Washer / Dryer - what do you have?


Prolifically Gabby Member
I have a question, not sure if it belongs here or not but in our new landmark we want a stackable washer/dryer. I am not sure if they are really worth the expense. Wife really wants it so I loose. So should I have the factory install during the build or should I just wait and have the dealer install ones I buy? There is almost a $1000.00 difference for me to buy and have it shipped to dealer for install. Does it matter or are they easy to install by yourself without dealer involvment? Any info, pics or ideas would really be helpful....

Looking at the floorplan online at Heartland's website, where does the W/D go?? I don't see a spot for it.


Well-known member
If this is for the LM365 you have on order, get it done at the factory. There are 2 factors to consider besides price:

1) will the dealer put the vent in the correct location (usually yes, but sometimes mistakes get made at dealerships), and

2) the exhaust vent comes in white. If you order from the factory, it'll be painted along with the rest of the trailer.


Well-known member
Well, too late to get the factory to install or it would delay things so dealer will put in a whirlpool stackable....She's happy!...Thanx for the advice......Whewww