Who does the driving?


Southeast Region Director-Retired
Hey - I have intelligence, logic and driving skills and haven't turned into a man yet. What's wrong with this picture????


Well-known member
Oh Boy!

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I see a lot of the fairer sex driving big rigs when we are driving down the road. But I'll be go to heck if the DW is going to drive the truck hooked up to the 5er......she scare the bejesus out of me without it.


Well-known member
My wife is capable of driving our rig, in fact she is most likely better driver. But she is too afraid to drive this rig due to its length. She did however have no issue's driving the motor home we had years before.


Well-known member
Since my wife is a farm girl who drove just about every piece of equipment out there for farm and ranch work, I don't get the idea that a truck with a trailer bothers her much. Perhaps this is a question that should be asked of Danica Patrick or one of the Force daughters that drives dragsters? Might be interesting to hear those responses.


Well-known member
My wife and I always shared the driving. Only problem was she was a more aggressive driver and puling a trailer, that is not very compatible with rush hour traffic. We usually arranged to have me driving around rush hour if we were near a city. Worked out just fine.


Well-known member
Women should be allowed to drive the truck on occasion (with proper training of course), but should never tow a trailer :)

I don't know about that. My son is currently hauling crude oil for Sunoco using an eighteen wheeler tanker and there are four or five women doing the same thing where he works. Again, with the proper training, IMHO, women are at least as capable of towing trailers as most men are. My wife towed our North Trail TT just fine, but doesn't pull our five because she still isn't comfortable driving the long bed dually.


Well-known member
Andy and I take turns, especially on long trips. We usually switch after each fill up. We went from pulling a 28 ft bumper pull (which I had no qualms about pulling) to a 40 ft 5er. I didn't have much choice to prepare myself for driving that since we had to pull it from Elkhart to Louisiana .


Well-known member
I know that most of the posts are "tongue in cheek" but it seems to me to be rather sexist and demeaning to think that women cannot do just about any job that men can do. Some jobs that require a lot of upper body strength might be questionable but there are some women at my gym, that still look like women (as opposed to Russian weight lifters) that can bench a lot more than me. Women are truck drivers, F-16 combat pilots, business CEOs, police, firefighters and rocket scientists. Granted some wives do not want to drive the truck but gender is not a determining factor in capability.

I guess having four women in my family who are all successful in high pressure, high demand jobs taints my view some but I don't see being a woman as being a limiting factor.


Retired Oregon HOC
I can't imagine Carol having been aggressive at all. Maybe she was just determined! :)

Mark does most of the driving, but I can and have pulled the trailer. We decided a long time ago that we both need to know how to do everything in case something happens to one of us.
