forum messed up again


Still having problems. I really don't like Safari. Don't have Chrome and have problems with Firefox.

That's just me..



Retired Colorado Chapter Leaders
Mine was "messed up" as well...I was using IE8...installed Chrome and now it's working fine/can see all info on pages.


Southeast Region Director-Retired
OK big problem - am using IE on laptop.
1. the light blue tool bar tabs are all pushed to the left side (Portal, forum, blogs, what's new, etc)
2. when the "forum" tab is clicked, the darker blue bar tabs doesn't come up [totally gone (forum home, new posts, private messages, FAQ, etc)]
I'm using my cell phone's web to get to the forum which shows correctly. As I'm viewing new posts on the cell phone and want to see the same post on my computer by typing the thread name in the search area, the suggested threads that are listed only has the top of the words showing, therefore unable to read the thread names. Bummer
Hope Mike can fix it soon cuz I'm having forum withdrawals.:(


Prolifically Gabby Member
I'm running IE9 for a long time and now have the messed up main screen. Once I open a thread, it seems OK. Not about to go downloading different browsers everytime a forum has a hiccup. The other sites I frequent are working just fine.


Mine was messed up for the last 30 hours or so. Came back this afternoon and now its working fine. All I have to do now is figure out how to post a few pictures.


Southeast Region Director-Retired
My withdrawals are over-with. Up and looking good. Thanks jenny's of the website.