forum messed up again


Founding Utah Chapter Leaders-Retired

FYI the forum is awful this morning. Not only can I not get on, but it bumps me off when going between threads. Then I can't get back.

I am just getting the server busy notice. Thanks, Trace


I had the same problem yesterday. So far this evening I have not had a problem.

Hope it is back in working order..



Well-known member
We were in a forum class with Jim this morning when the forum servers were busy. There was something screwy going on he said. Seems as though its good to go now!


Well-known member
Does anyone know why there are so many problems with the forum lately ? It's kinda a PITA anymore ! Should HL ask for voluntary donations to help make the problems go away ? It's starting to be a waste of my time and ain't fun. HL, what can we users do to help ? I'm not whinning, just need to know if we can do anything at all to help out. It does no good to whine & complain... but if we can help out please let us know. At the very least, tell us what you are doing or what is going on... The silence is deafening :(


Just got kicked off again about 30 min ago..

This is terrible. We never had these problems some time ago..

Frustrating to have to go to another forum and wait to get back on here...




Founding Utah Chapter Leaders-Retired
I'm getting the "server too busy" notice with regularity again.

The stats say we've been able to accomodate 800 people in the past. Yesterday when it was fouling up, the stats line showed we only had around 300 on line.
With that in mind, it doesn't seem like sheer numbers of users is the culprit, so I'm curious, what gives?
Is there anything we, as users can do to improve the situation? thanks, Trace
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Well-known member
I wonder if a server upgrade is due? I think that it would be a good idea for Heartland to accept donations to increase the server capacity of the forum. It is an excellent community, it is sad when it goes down. Thankfully it has never been down for an extended amount of time.


Well-known member
Problems still there..frustrating..Kinda surprised we haven't heard anything from the powers to be as to what the problem is..I suspect we have serious server problems...It's been going on a while...:confused:


Well-known member
It bumped me out last night, but has been working ok today at least during the three or four times I have been on.