Woop Woop We brought our new Big Horn Home!

We are excited to officially be new BH owners, but not so excited to just look at it sit on the side driveway for the next 3 months. Oh well, so glad to have it home anyway.



Well-known member
Congratulations on your new Big Horn! Yeah, I don't think I could drive up and see it sitting there in front of me for 3 months and not use it. I'm guessing this is for weather reasons, but whatever the reason, I hope you don't actually end up waiting 3 months. At least it's out there ready for you now.


Well-known member
We are excited to officially be new BH owners, but not so excited to just look at it sit on the side driveway for the next 3 months. Oh well, so glad to have it home anyway.

Congrats on your new rig. You don't have to be in a campground to try everything out. I would just "camp" in it in the driveway for a couple days. You'll probably find a few things you'll want to fix or modify


Well-known member
I feel your pain. We are over here near fort wayne, our big horn is also parked till the freeze is over. We put up a car port to help keep it safe from most of the elements.

Yes it is for weather reasons that we have to look at it for 3 months. We are getting a big snow storm today, but hopefully Monday or Tuesday we will be able to hook it up, get those slides out, kick on the furnace and fireplace and driveway camp. We have found indoor storage to keep it in but it is booked full this season, so I will have to call and reserve it for next winter and hopefully the following seasons after that. I'm just glad yesterday was a beautiful sunny day to bring it home, today is awful!



Active Member
Congratulations Ray and Shawn. I just brought home my "new to me" 2007 Landmark Monticello...and I too, have to just see it sit in a storage I drive by everyday on my way to work. Can't wait for the spring.


Southeast Region Director-Retired
Congratulations on your new "condo on wheels". Hope to see her at a future rally. When the weather gets warming (ha), travel safely.