Fresh Water Tank Filling on it's Own.


deanie posted this earlier in the blogs section,,, any help?

fresh water tank

by deanie on 13 Hours Ago at 11:32 AM
When our fresh water tank is closed, it is filling on its own through some unknown connection. We have disconnected the pump and it still fills as we are using the city water source. We have tested it by making sure it is empty-then closing it and going back 1 week later- opening it and water rushes out. Help! I guess we could just leave it open but might need it at some point and since it is only 1 1/2 yrs old it is freaking me out. Thanks for your help.


deanie,,, I moved,,,or copied your post in the blog area and put it in the forum area.... you should get some answers here.

Jim M


Northern Virginia
It sounds like a bad check valve at the pump, where the water lines share a common connection point. When you say you disconnected the pump, how did you disconnect it?


Perfict Senior Member
It's a long shot but make sure all wall shower valves are off (inside and out). open the hand held hose shower valve so water can't bypass. Valve off the pump? turning the pump off electrically will not stop a faulty check valve.


Well-known member
I had this same problem this summer. I took a long trip, moving CG's every night. About every 4th day, my freshwater tank would be overflowing. Before I could take it in for repairs, my brother-in-law discovered that the freshwater fill tube was incorrectly installed to the smaller ring at the wall of the UDC. At the repair place, they used my pressure regulator and left my rig hooked to city water for 5 days and couldn't reproduce the overflow problem. I have to admit that I wasn't always using my pressure regulator on my journey and since now I can't get it off.....I haven't had the overflow problem since. Which one was it? I don't know but my basement isn't wet anymore!!!