Shower leaking Water


Well-known member
We have water seeping from under the shower base. I've caulked the opening around the hot and cold water faucets. The connectors were tightened before caulking. Could it be something behind the shower wall?


Staff member
One think to consider is normal spillage.
When my wife gets out if the shower she is dripping water everywhere.
The water runs down the side of the shower pan and creeps along the edge.
Looks like it is leaking from underneath but it is not.
Could this be what you are seeing?



Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
If you have a shower access panel, it wouldn't hurt to check the connectors behind the fixture.


Well-known member
I did tighten the connections behind the access panel before a caulked it. Dave could be right. The water isn't always there. Maybe a spill rather than a leak. Thanks


Was the shower in use at the time of the leak? This past week end I noticed water leaking from under shower on our 21FBS. Shower had not been used yet that trip. My wife turned the hw heater on and some time after is when the water showed up. We did not have water hookup. I believe hw heater built up pressure and found weakest link to be fitting under shower stall. Will be contacting dealer to have them repair problem.